With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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Committee on Culture and Education (CULT)

Dear Delegates of the Committee on Culture and Education,

We, the Committee Presidents, proudly welcome you to the National MEP Session in Vienna. Since the issue of the Committee on Culture and Education, “With tensions between various religious groups, and current events highlighting violence and discrimination against certain religions, how can the EU foster the integration of religious groups in a diverse European society and promote interfaith dialogue?” is as urgent as never before, it is of paramount importance to work on adequate long-term solutions.

In order to prepare you for the committee work, we wrote up some useful links for you to find information and give you a good overview about the committee issue. Please bear in mind that these are impulses to trigger your individual follow-up research. Elaborate preparation is the key for interesting, lively discussions and thus finding appropriate solutions for our Committee issue. We would therefore advise you to prepare as best as possible in order to make this MEP session a great success and for you to enjoy your experience as a delegate.

We hope our links are useful for your preparation and we are looking forward to meeting you soon in Vienna.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us!


Anna Theresa Gisslinger


Gabriel Paulus

CP Sec

Ariane Fazeny


Georg Winkler




https://politikwissenschaft.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/inst_politikwiss/workingpaper2_13.pdf (Briefly read from 2 until 5.2)




Promoting interfaith dialogue:

http://www.un-documents.net/a60r10.htm   (Resolution by UN)

http://web.cor.europa.eu/epp/AtWork/Pages/RomeResolution50.aspx  (Resolution by EPP)

http://eu-un.europa.eu/eu-presidency-statement-%C2%96-united-nations-high-level-dialogue-on-interreligious-and-intercultural-understanding/   (UN Statement)

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/20150324IPR37224/inter-religious-dialogue-the-way-to-defeat-extremism  (European Parliament Press Release) + Watch Video “Tackling religious radicalism”

http://www.lastampa.it/2015/03/27/vaticaninsider/eng/world-news/eu-brussels-interreligious-dialogue-seen-as-strategy-against-radicalization-Vi655iNvYIjrI9rnb2BdrO/pagina.html (Article)



Other relevant links:

http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-13038095(BBC Report)

http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/germany-debates-a-ban-on-burqas-and-other-muslim-veils-a-1108562.html (Spiegel: Burqa Ban Debate)

http://www.cfr.org/religion/islam-governing-under-sharia/p8034 (Council on Foreign Relations)

http://www.geocities.ws/leahdyanne/what_is_sharia.pdf (Governing under Sharia)