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MEP Vienna 2014

Model European Parliament Austria
29. March – 5. April 2014

Sebastian Saxinger

I was born in the beautiful little city of Linz in Upper Austria. After moving to Vienna I realised how big the world is and how important it is to be open minded. This is why I travel around Europe as much as possible. This year, I will finish my secondary education at Theresianum, where we will welcome you in spring. Theresianum is a school, where many cultures and people come together. A perfect place for MEP!

Interested in politics, rhetoric and international relations, the MEP was the perfect choice for me. After my final exam and national service (which is obligatory in Austria) I am looking forward to studying business.

In contrast to many participants of the MEP, my way to the presidency started at MUN Dublin, 2011 where I represented the Caribbean island Grenada. Although I liked the international flair, I could not represent my country as I had imagined just because of the sheer size of the MUN. I was very happy to participate in MEP Madrid in 2012 as  delegate. I was part of the committee on International Trade and held the opening speech. It always felt like being at home in Madrid. My host family, but also all the volunteers and secretaries truly gave us the feeling of being welcome in Spain.

In 2013 I had the honour of being committee president and vice-president of the GA in Vilnius and the national sessions in Graz and Salzburg. Seeing the delegates flourish during committee work and in the GA let me know that I was in the right place: In the heart of a modern, open-minded, active and truly European society.

Honourable committee presidents, distinguished delegates, dear coordinators, directors and teachers,

I am very much looking forward to meeting you in Vienna and I am honoured to be part of the presidency. I guarantee, that you will have an unforgettable time. Tasty food, friendly locals, amazing sights on the one hand and interesting debates and new people from all over Europe on the other hand will make time fly.

Vienna waits for you!