With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

This website reflects views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Committees & Issues

1 Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) 

With tensions between various religious groups, and current events highlighting violence and discrimination against certain religions, how can the EU foster the integration of religious groups in a diverse European society and promote interfaith dialogue?

2 Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)

The question of growing unemployment among young people in the European Union:

Increasingly unemployment, especially amongst the younger generation, is becoming a serious problem within the European Union. Which measures can the EU take to stimulate the participation of young people in the labour market – or should fighting unemployment be considered a national responsibility? 

3 Committee on Industry, Energy and Research (ITRE) 

The question of energy production in the EU:

In what ways might the EU maintain global competitiveness while at the same time try to introduce policies to reduce green house gas emissions? How could the EU become a role-model for the rest of the world in the energy field?

4 Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) 

The question of juvenile health:

Should the EU play a role in protecting juveniles from alcohol and drug abuse, smoking and unhealthy eating habits? If so, how should EU regulation relate to national regulation in this field? How can the member states of the EU cooperate to safeguard the health of young people against mental stress, alcohol abuse, smoking and poor levels of nutrients? What role can schools and educational programmes play?